Welcome! I am so happy that you are here. Want to know what has me smiling so big? All the fulfilling, creative and social justice oriented work that I do. Keep reading to find out more!
The heart of my work is with the people. My written and performed art is solely the means to connect with and build with others. Art is a vehicle for not only understanding, but also for collective power. I believe that if we want to get to a more socially just world, art can get us there. My artistic pursuits, whether it be poetry, music, or education, are all guided by my love of humanity and my belief of the power inherent in our voices.
“I just can’t thank you enough for taking us on that poetry journey. You were a masterful and caring guide.”
- Workshop Participant, Meta (Facebook) employee
I love facilitating writing workshops for classrooms, workplaces, and communities of all ages and experience levels! Whether you are just now dipping your toes into a poetry practice, or you regularly swim in pools full of sonnets, your voice is not only powerful, but important. My passion is creating spaces where folks, no matter their background, can write poems or stories that only they can write.
More Testimonials

I watched as my students became enamored and deeply engaged in writing, reflecting, revising, and reciting their own original poetry [...] The vulnerability and courage they displayed is thanks to Alexa’s expertise and the safe and supportive culture she created in the learning environment.
Rachel D. Broudy, English Department, McKinley Technology High School
Over the years, Alexa has consistently demonstrated both her own artistic excellence and integrity, as well as impressive skills as an arts administrator and teaching artist who creates welcoming and constructive spaces that invite youth to explore the power of expression through poetry.
Chelsea Iorlano, Youth Programs Director, Split This Rock
Meet Alexa
Alexa Patrick is a singer, poet, and educator from Madison, Connecticut. Now living in Washington, DC, she holds fellowships from Cave Canem, Obsidian, The Watering Hole, and the DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities. Alexa has held teaching positions through Split This Rock, The University of the District of Columbia, and the Center for Creative Youth at Wesleyan University.
Previously, Alexa has coached the slam teams of Mckinley Tech High School, American University, and George Washington University. She has performed at The Lincoln Center, The Schomburg Center ,and the Kennedy Center.
Alexa is currently the Programs Director for non-profit writing program and publishing house Shout Mouse Press. She also hosts an open mic series at Busboys and Poet. You may find Alexa's work in publications including The Quarry, The Rumpus, CRWN Magazine, and The BreakBeat Poets Vol. 2: Black Girl Magic. Her debut collection Remedies for Disappearing will be published by Haymarket Books in 2023.